IoT Solutions

A key piece of healthcare solutions is connecting mobile applications to devices that can provide specialized information (such as a heart rate monitor) for operation and delivery to external systems. In Doonamis we are specialized in the integration of any device in order to incorporate the data it captures into the system.

360º Videoconference

In order to be able to offer telediagnosis services, Doonamis integrates mobile-to-mobile or mobile-to-web videoconferencing technology into its applications, which adapts according to the quality of the available data connection.

Data Protection (LOPD)

An element directly related to healthcare applications is the management of sensitive user or patient data. Doonamis has the legal services and technical knowledge to comply with the strictest level of the Data Protection.

Success story: Laboratorios Echevarne

Mockup de un dispositivo móvil proyectando una pantalla de la aplicación móvil de Laboratorios Echevarne desarrollada por Doonamis.

  • Access to the results obtained from patients' medical analyses
  • Monitoring of values outside the normal range and interactive graphs depicting their evolution over time
  • General information and map of the Echevarne Laboratory network

Success story: Vall d’Hebron

  • Remote diagnosis of patients with stroke crisis
  • Videoconference between ambulance and neurologist
  • “On the fly” decision making to move the patient to the best hospital depending on his/her critical state and distance

Success story: Nordic Pharma

  • Knowledge exchange and training platform for endoscopy experts
  • Connection of the endoscopy camera to video capturer for streaming video on the mobile application.l
  • Accessible from mobile and web application

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